Here in Palisade, we are proud to be home grown and locally owned! Our local business owners are our friends and neighbors. Whichever store you walk into, you are sure to find a friendly and smiling face behind the counter, ready to help you purchase the perfect gift, select a unique piece of artwork, or rent outdoor adventure gear for your family.

There is a lot to do outdoors in Palisade, and so you will need the right equipment! Our local businesses offer paddleboard, raft, bike, and other rentals, plus guided tours on horseback or down the river. Find our complete list of businesses (from retail and shopping in downtown Palisade, to outdoor adventure rentals and tours, and cannabis) on our Local Businesses page. It will serve as your guide to shopping and browsing our Colorado town. Thank you for supporting local!


Let’s Go, Girls!


Desert Adventuring Paired with Food and Wine