Palisade Art Vision

Palisade loves to celebrate our local artists! The Palisade Art Vision (PAV) was formed in 2015 by a group of local citizens and artists to promote and embrace “art as a part of everyday life.” PAV envisions an outdoor sculpture program to promote a visible aesthetic voice to the Town of Palisade. We love being the home of these incredible pieces of art and hope that you enjoy them, too, as you pass through our town!

Our artists loan their work, free of charge, for one year. In return, sculptors are provided an installation stipend, recognition, and promotion. Pieces are available for purchase or offered as a legacy program to honor a loved one.

Check out some of the sculptures that have graced our town in the last few years!

Artists interested in applying to be part of Palisade Art Vision can submit an application at the link below.


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